Connected agribusiness commerce has arrived

John Brubaker



After years sifting through outdated info and trudging through slow, manual processes, agribusinesses are—finally—setting a higher standard for digital communication and data sharing. And Smartwyre, through the Business Performance Network (BPN), is leading the charge in that transition.

The Smartwyre-enabled Business Performance Network is a set of software tools that seamlessly and securely connects the product, price, cost, and incentive information of ag supply chain businesses and commercial trading partners. It currently has the largest combination of product, incentive program, and transaction data available within the industry.

But what does all this mean for those on the ground—suppliers, retailers, and farmers at every point along the supply chain?

Most importantly, the BPN equips agribusinesses to facilitate more transactions faster, make better business decisions, streamline their operations, and at the end of the day, improve profitability.

Eliminate manual time consuming work

If there’s one thing that’s true across all sectors of the Ag supply chain, it’s this:

No one is praising how efficient and fast their operations are because of manual spreadsheets.

Instead, teams are spending hours of valuable time manually rekeying, reconciling, and calculating incentives, instead of letting software do the work for them. That’s time they could be spending on solving customer problems, building value within your organization, or selling. It’s time to give them those hours back—through software that does all that reconciliation and calculation for you, with far less margin for error.

Real time info means better customer service

Every single element of the Ag input supply chain benefits from real-time, accurate info. No one wins when the information flow is slow, or worse, wrong. But those delays are very real problems experienced by many in the industry.

Through the BPN, industry pros get real-time market information, both upstream and downstream. That means no more outdated price lists for salespeople. No more customers purchasing something without considering the latest rebate or incentive structures. No more surprises between suppliers and customers.

Instead, daily commerce is more efficient. Within the BPN, thousands of industry incentive programs are easily available, automatically calculated, and inclusive of national, local, and special rebates. Long story short? Farmers are getting the best possible options, in real time.

Adjust to industry fluctuations because you can actually see them

It’s not just the end customers who benefit from a flow of real-time data. When distributors and retailers can access current market conditions, supply and demand data, and updated prices, they instantly gain more visibility over their whole operation (and the entire industry). This leads to better, more data-driven decisions that drive profitability.

Leveraging secure, accurate, real-time data also means they can facilitate more transactions, on a quicker time frame. No more waiting around for updates, because everything is instantly at their fingertips. With all that info on hand—and when you know it’s correct, up-to-date, and secure—it frees you to make more strategic, big-picture decisions that drive your business forward.

Pioneering a new vision for agribusinesses

For too long, different stops along the ag supply chain have struggled in silos to get the updated, correct information they need to drive their business operations. Disconnection, inefficiency, and old data punctuated the whole system.

But those days can be over. The Smartwyre-enabled Business Performance Network is empowering more streamlined operations, faster transactions, more accurate data, and better decision-making every day.

At Smartwyre, we don’t think of ourselves as just a software company. We’re advocates for a better, more connected, more efficient ag industry.

That reality is coming into clearer and clearer focus—thanks to the power of robust, accurate, real-time data, created and organized specifically for the ag supply chain industry.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Business Performance Network and how you can get plugged in, get in touch with us today.

Driving Agribusiness Performance. Connecting retailers and suppliers to improve productivity and commerce.

© 2024 Smartwyre, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2301 Blake Street. Denver, CO 80205.

Driving Agribusiness Performance. Connecting retailers and suppliers to improve productivity and commerce.

© 2024 Smartwyre, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2301 Blake Street. Denver, CO 80205.

Driving Agribusiness Performance. Connecting retailers and suppliers to improve productivity and commerce.

© 2024 Smartwyre, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2301 Blake Street. Denver, CO 80205.